Retail Loss Prevention for Apparel

Prevent Theft With Asset Protection Strategies
Product Protection Solutions is here to help you make your store safer than ever.
The Goal of Retail Loss Prevention
The ultimate goal of retail loss prevention is to preserve profits while keeping your staff safe and maintaining a welcoming shopping environment for your customers.
There are many effective strategies that retailers can implement, including proper staffing, training, proper inventory management, and taking concrete steps to prevent theft. The best way to protect your profits is to take advantage of ALL those strategies.
The PPS team offers a variety of creative and inventive solutions that help business owners minimize losses and secure their bottom line.

Tools for Reducing Shrink and Preventing Crime

Deterring internal and external theft

Managing shrink more efficiently

Increasing revenue and profit

Extreme Resistance to Thieves
The Keepsafe series of products provides next-level protection for your apparel products because they:
Provide extra protection when standard and super locks fall short
Offer the most advanced magnetic lock protection available
Are easy to use
Are produced with durable, high-quality materials
Include the unique Keepsafe H-Lock and H-Detacher (only available from PPS)
Can’t be duplicated by thieves or bought anywhere else
Are unable to be detached using standard, super, and hyperlock detachers
EAS and RFID Systems for Retail Security
Include 24/7 protection
Integrate with other theft protection devices via EAS, AM, RF, and RFID technologies
Automatically recognize merchandise
Can sound an alarm when removed
Deter potential thieves from attempting to steal
Reduce internal theft